Somalia: Two security officials assassinated in Galkayo city


GALKAYO, Puntland- Unknown assailants were reported to have carried out assassinations against two security officials in Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region, Garowe Online reports.

Yesterday, a soldier was murder by gunmen who then immediately fled the scene before the arrival of the Police authorities.

Reports said the late soldier was involved in the capture of al-Shabaab suspect, who was subsequently executed in Bosaso on Fariday by the military court.

On the other hand, the commander of the southern custom office in Galkayo city was killed on Saturday morning. The late commander identified as Abdirazaq Osman Fiqi was said to be killed by a fellow soldier.

So far it is not clear the reasons behind the killing of the late officer and the Police authorities haven’t released any statement regarding the two incidents.

In a similar incident, a known businessman was shot and killed in Galkayo city by armed men as the attack resulted in injury of civilian bystanders. Sources said the businessman was killed in connection to clan conflict in the region.

The recent killings in Galkayo city coincides with the execution of 7 al-Shabaab suspects in Bosaso city, as the military court accused them in connection to terrorist attacks in Bosaso and Galkayo.


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