Recent News

Hormuud Telecom Wins Global Award for Excellence in Telecommunications and Community Service

In a nation where conventional banking is scarce, EVCPlus has become an essential tool, enabling millions of Somalis to participate in a cashless economy.

  • Somalia


  • 06:00PM

Amid criticism, Somalia’s sleepy cabinet acknowledges Puntland’s gains in ISIS war

The US Africa Command airstrikes on Saturday which targeted ISIS global leader Abdulkadir Mumin left another 46 people dead.

  • Somalia


  • 05:48PM

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Editor's Pick

Somalia’s Federal Government’s Shameful Opportunism in Puntland’s Fight Against ISIS

For decades, Puntland has fought this war alone. Its soldiers have stormed terrorist…

  • Editorial


  • 04:02PM

Kenya Airways suspends passenger flights to Somalia

This decision was communicated by CEO Allan Kilavuka in a letter to Mohamed Daghar, Principal Secretary at the Ministry of Roads and Transport.

  • Africa


  • 09:21AM

OP-ED: Tribal Allegiances and Sports: The Impact on Inter-State Football Games in Somalia

These games also raise questions about the nature of Somalia’s federal states.

  • Opinion


  • 06:26AM

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