Tuk-tuk vehicle explosion kills 20 dead in Somalia’s capital


MOGADISHU, Somalia - At least 20 people were killed and more than 30 others injured when a massive Tuk-tuk vehicle explosion happened outside a restaurant in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

Witnesses tell Garowe Online’s English service the blast occurred outside the front door of Lul Yemeni restaurant along the seaport road, one of Mogadishu's busiest streets lined with businesses.

“An explosive-laden Tuk-Tuk vehicle went off in front of the Lul Yemeni restaurant at 8:10 p.m. local time, which was busy and at dinner time,” said a witness who asked for anonymity.

A nearby residential building collapsed with many people inside with reports that a rescue operation was launched to save the lives of the civilians under the debris.

Mogadishu’s hospitals said at least 30 other people have been injured in the car bomb explosion which came just hours after the third round of talks between PM and opposition candidates ended in failure.

Al-Shabaab claimed the responsibility for the deadly evening attack, in the latest of car bombings on hotels and restaurants frequented by lawmakers, government employees, diaspora, and the city’s elite.

On Thursday night, Al-Shabab fighters stormed the main prison in Bossaso city in Puntland, freeing many inmates, including terrorists.

Some analysts attribute the anxiety to the fact that a large number of militants fleeing from U.S. airstrikes on their rural bases in the south have fled to Mogadishu.

In mid-last January, the U.S. withdrew its troops from Somalia under Trump's order and repositioned them to bases in Djibouti and Kenya, where they can continue to launch drone strikes in the country.


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