Govt troops foil Al-Shabaab attack in Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army (SNA) foiled an Al-Shabaab attack on Thursday in central Somalia, officials said, noting that the militants were on the course of waging another devastating raid, which would have caused massive damage in the country.

According to the state media, the Al-Shabaab were about to launch an attack in Xinlabi village within Galmadug state before their evil plans were thwarted. Local forces and civilians helped to push away the militants from strategic points where they were about to unleash.

The attempted raid comes at the time Somalia is fighting violent extremism, targeted mainly the Al-Shabaab and IS-Somalia teams, who have singlehandedly caused instability across the country. Al-Shabaab’s presence is still huge in remote areas.

The motive of the attack is still not clear but the militants usually raid security forces installments, civilians, and senior government officials in their blatant attacks. The foiling of the attack was a huge milestone, exhibiting resilience and determination from security forces, officials said.

Somalia launched the first phase of operations against Al-Shabaab a few years ago, leading to major success in Galmudug and Hirshabelle states. The operation left over 3,000 militants dead, authorities added, while noting critical progress made in the process.

The second phase of operations against Al-Shabaab was due to start in Jubaland and Southwest states but was delayed due to logistical challenges, occasioned by the ongoing withdrawal of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops.

ATMIS soldiers are expected to fully hand over security responsibilities in Somalia by the end of 2024. Already, at least 5,000 soldiers have left and an additional 4,000 are expected to leave by June 2024. Somalia believes her forces will be fully ready by the end of this year.


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