Kenya and Djibouti dragged into Somalia's electoral crisis


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Djibouti, and Kenya have been dragged to the current electoral impasse in Somalia, something which could yet again change the dimension of the matter, which is now being discussed at the international level, following President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's decision to extend the term.

Even after his term elapsed on February 8, Farmajo went on to sign an extension resolution by Lower House, a move which has angered both members of the opposition and the international community, leading to endless pressure to have both parties returning to the table.

And in the latest twist, outgoing Information Minister Osman Abukar Dubbe now says Kenya and Djibouti are responsible for the recent statement that was issued by the African Union Peace and Security Council, which rejected term extension besides calling for the resumption of talks.

Speaking at a press conference in Mogadishu, Dubbe, a close ally of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, claimed that the two countries were directly involved in drafting the tough statement by the council, which demanded that elections are held as per September 17 pre-election deal.

Dubbe also said Somalia will not trust AU meetings on the country that are chaired by Kenya and Djibouti, adding that FGS doesn't accept statements by the African Union Peace and Security Council but welcomes the UNSC's calls on the electoral stalemate.

This is not the first time Somalia is rebuking the two countries through the same minister. Early this year, the minister accused Djibouti of favoring Kenya in the Mandera border crisis and the general situation in Jubaland, where Somalia has persistently accused Kenya of internal interference.

Somalia was supposed to go for elections from December last year but disagreements between some federal states and FGS led to the current quagmire. The country is struggling to contain internal politics which have now escalated to different levels.


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