​Somalia: Five dead in massive car bomb blast in the capital


MOGADISHU, Somalia- A car loaded with explosives went off at a security checkpoint in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Sunday, killing at least five people and injuring others, Garowe Online reports.

The Police and witnesses said the huge explosion occurred near Wadajir district's Police station, and the explosion sound could be heard from a distance followed by multiple shots of gunfire.

The Police station lies along the busy Makka Al-Mukarama street, and most of the dead were civilians, according to reporters. 

Witnesses said the luxury vehicle blew up after it was stopped and seized by the Police at the checkpoint. Security forces cordoned off the scene and launched an investigation.

A column of white smoke was seen above the capital and some shops in the area were rattled by the blast, GO correspondent in the capital reported.

No group has claimed responsibility so far, however, the al-Shabaab has carried out similar deadly attacks targeting government officials, security forces and African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in the capital.

The blast comes a day after a landmine blast ripped through a minibus in northern Mogadishu, wounding at least two people, including an Intelligence officer.


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