Somalia: SYL Hotel suicide bomber identified by Al-Shabaab


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The suicide bomber who detonated explosives at the legendary SYL Hotel has been identified by the Al-Shabaab militants, a week after the group waged a deadly attack in the Somalia capital, Mogadishu, leaving at least five people including soldiers, dead.

Last week's attack left Mogadishu security chiefs in shock even as they grappled with the hefty losses, the first in as many months within the country. Mogadishu has been relatively secure following surveillance by security teams who were recently deployed.

Al-Shabaab said the bomber, Hassan Mohamed Mohamud, 20, was the man who triggered the attack, leading to a fierce gunfight that left his other four co-perpetrators dead. Mohamed comes from Kismayo, the regional administrative capital of Jubaland.

Mohamed, the militants added in a statement, comes from the popular Hawiye clan. The attack was waged near the Presidential Palace, the official office and residence of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has been a key figure in operations against the Al-Shabaab.

The attack ensued after Al-Shabaab militants forcibly entered the hotel, engaging in extended combat within its confines, eyewitnesses said. The attackers would later be repulsed after a 13-hour battle, leaving four other fighters dead.

Dozens of people who were critically injured were rushed to Turkey for specialized treatment, authorities revealed. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was one of the individuals who saw them off from Aden Adde International Airport.

The Al Qaeda-linked terror outfit did not disclose the identities of the other five attackers. Al-Shabaab used both local and foreign fighters when waging attacks but recent reports established that Kenyan fighters are being executed for allegedly spying the group on behalf of KDF.


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