G7 Reinforces Global Commitments, Strengthens Africa Ties

From left, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly and Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani attend a meeting on the second day of a G7 foreign ministers meeting on Capri island, Italy, Thursday April 18, 2024. Remo Casilli - pool, ASSOCIATED PRESS

ITALY (GO) - The G7 Foreign Ministers from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union’s High Representative have collectively renewed their pledge to uphold global peace, human rights, and the rule of law in the face of persistent global crises. In a recent statement, the group emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts to tackle challenges including climate change, terrorism, and digital rights, amidst setbacks from the pandemic and ongoing global conflicts.

Strengthening African and Mediterranean Ties

The ministers vowed to enhance their partnership with African nations and regional organizations, highlighting the African Union’s new role in the G20 and reaffirming support for the G20 Compact with Africa. They expressed particular concern over the impacts of Russian aggression, which they described as a broader attack on global food security and stability, notably affecting Africa.

Commitments to Sustainable Development

The G7’s agenda strongly focuses on advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They aim to inject new momentum into these goals by addressing debt vulnerabilities and supporting sustainable economic development across Africa. This includes ensuring access to sustainable and resilient food systems, healthcare, and modern energy.

Addressing Regional Security Concerns

The statement addressed specific regional concerns, such as ongoing conflicts in Libya and the Sahel region. It called for a united international effort to support free and fair elections in Libya and a renewed focus on stabilizing the Sahel region by combating terrorism and promoting good governance.

Commitment to the Horn of Africa and Somalia

The G7 ministers reaffirmed their dedication to promoting stability in the Horn of Africa, including providing humanitarian aid and supporting institutional and security developments in Somalia. They praised recent progress in Somalia but highlighted the need for continued efforts against groups like Al Shabaab.

Calls for Peace and Stability

The ministers strongly condemned violence and human rights abuses in various regions, including the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the resurgence of conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They called for immediate ceasefires and respect for human rights across all parties involved.

Broadening Horizons: Indo-Pacific and Beyond

Looking beyond Africa, the G7 underscored the strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific region, promoting a free and open environment based on the rule of law. They expressed concerns about China’s role in global challenges, advocating for a balanced relationship that supports global economic growth while addressing non-market practices and human rights concerns.

Future Directions

The G7 ministers concluded with a call for a cohesive approach to irregular migration and a commitment to fostering sustainable development across continents. They emphasized the necessity of collective responsibility and international cooperation in addressing the root causes of instability and migration, aiming for a future where economic and social development is accessible to all.


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