Somalia: 13-year-old Puntland schoolboy draws praise for prodigious talent


GAROWE, Somalia, January 4, 2016 (Garowe Online)-The President of Somalia’s Puntland Government Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has praised child genius for extraordinary inventions in more accomplishments at age 13 than many students in conflict-battered Somalia, Garowe Online reports.

Gulled Adan Abdi, 13 in third grade, met with President Ali, Vice President Abdihakin Abdullahi Haji Omar and Parliament Speaker at Puntland State House on Monday.

Abdi assembled model toy airplanes, armored cars and fans using salvaged materials and scrap automotive batteries for power.

The orphan schooler bagging for his intelligence was born to a less fortunate family in northern Buuhoodle town where he attends a primary school.

Puntland President expressed his admiration with the creativity of the schoolboy, wishing him well in a prayer to God.

Meanwhile, Vice President Amey pledged that the government will be paying Ahmed’s way in education, in a country that has been rife with private schools since Somali state collapse in 1991.


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