Somalia: Heavy clashes erupted in southern Somalia


Afgoye, Somalia- A fierce gun battle has sparked between Somali government forces and al-Shabaab militants in Lower Shabelle on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports. 

The commander of Somali National Army (SNA) General Abdulahi Ali, said the clashes occurred after Somali army forces and allied African Union Peacekeeping troops in Somalia (AMISOM) attacked rebel-held areas in Lower Shabelle.

Ali Said the allied forces encountered stiff resistance from the militants in Mirtaqwo and Afarta villages.

Residents also reported that the two sides clashed in Ali Folay village near Janale, however, the causalities behind the clashes are not yet announced.

U.S. forces are believed to be supporting the Somali army and AMISOM forces in the offensive against rebel-held areas at the eastern parts of the region.

This comes as Somali President Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed Farmajo has early vowed to wipe out al-Shabaab group from their remaining pockets in south and central regions of Somalia.

Al-Shabaab militants group is fighting western-backed Somali government, security forces and AMISOM troops in a bid to overthrow the government to enforce strict form of governance. 


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